My mornings are quite a bit different these days. I love it!
For most of the summer I started my day sitting in one of our rented staging chairs, drinking coffee, and reading my Hypnobabies homework.
Today I felt much more rested than I did the previous two mornings so I didn’t join Priscilla during her first morning nap.
Around 7:30 I brought her bassinet into the living room and made up some coffee. I also quickly washed last night’s bottle {more on that later!} and my shield.
{My favorite cup… a souvenir Seth picked up for me last fall}
Since P was still sleeping after I ate breakfast I pumped for a bit. I just started and it has been going so well. I knew I wanted a freezer stash for making baby food and for P to drink while I’m at shoots. Last night Seth gave her a bottle for the first time, and it made a huge difference in the amount of rest I could get. Thank goodness for pumping!
{I like to clean out the photos on my phone while I pump & my itty bitt freezer stash. I love the storage bags from Target, they were given to me during a shower and I am so grateful for them!}
Priscilla napped until about 9am. Since she was content I jumped into the shower, she loves to sit in her bouncy seat in the bathroom. She also seems to love the sound of water running so it’s a win.
{I love swaddling her in the SwaddleMe swaddle sacks!}
Up next: picking out her clothing for the day. I’ve been keeping everything of hers in these handy IKEA carts. My doula Anne helped me organize everything a few days ago and I feel so glad. Priscilla still wears only newborn size 🙂 Everyone tells you to not buy newborn stuff because most babies are out of it soon, I’m glad I had a few things!
{I just love her baby book… itty bitty baby feet…}
{Reading materials for me and her}
I’m so behind on reading up on our new baby gear… someday. I set this out with hopes to go through it, but didn’t even start. Ha! #MomLife. I did get to read one book to Priscilla, which made me feel great. My goal is to read to her once a day.
All in all a great start to our day. We had two appointments yesterday so staying in and keeping things slow is just perfect for today.