This age is so much fun. Priscilla continues to grow and develop new skills every day. It seems like she is suddenly such a toddler, though she still loves to snuggle into my shoulder when I hold her and responds to “baby.”
Cilla can now stand up on her own, and will take steps if you hold her hands or hand. She is getting so close to walking on her own, and I bet she’ll be taking steps before Thanksgiving. Last weekend we were in Worthington visiting Seth’s parents and Cilla learned how to climb up and down full flights of stairs. Gulp. I think I’m going to get gates here because our stairs are wood and slippery 🙁
Cilla can sign “please,” “more,” “all done,” and “milk.” She has excellent manners and signs “please” initially before she wants something. I pray she is always a polite baby!
She has fully outgrown some 12 month clothing and is only wearing size 18 month pants and pajamas. She still has fabulously chunky thighs and cheeks thank goodness! I’ve been having fun finding her new pieces. My favorite places to shop for her are Etsy, Zara kids, Kate Quinn organics, and Baby Gap. We’ve been wearing many a bonnet, either hand knit or from our friend Rachel at Birchberry Bonnets.
We are still nursing, just one time per day in the am. When Cilla wakes up, Seth gets her and brings her upstairs. Cilla always asks for “ah-ah” (her word for Astro) and is delighted when he jumps up in the bed with us. He is by far her favorite family member.
Cilla has a larger than life sense of humor. Everything and ordinary things are silly and goofy for her. I love that she takes so much joy in the simple things and loves to crack up. Seth and I are both pretty goofy so this is no surprise.
She is silly, happy, expressive, and such a joy at FIFTEEN months.
We love this girl so much and delight in watching her grow.