Here we are! Thirty weeks. In so many ways this pregnancy continues to fly. I cannot believe we are already here, but we are. I am so grateful for a healthy, happy, and relatively symptom free pregnancy. I had Cilla at 37 weeks so this has me thinking that maybe I’ll have only another seven weeks of pregnancy. Famous last words perhaps, but it’s a good kick in the butt, or side if you’re my son, to motivate me to get those last to-do list items checked off and done. I love preparing for our baby to be born, this is such a fun part of pregnancy and truly motherhood. I didn’t really get to nest much with Cilla, so this has been so very sweet.
{One of my favorite lines from Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations, a Hypnobabies track I listen to daily in preparation for birth.}
Symptoms | The belly band that I ordered arrived and I’ve been wearing it almost daily since. I have to say that it has helped, and I anticipate that I’ll be wearing it postpartum, too. I’ve noticed a decrease in my back pain since getting it which has been such a relief. After a bit of searching I found one through Blanqi that is so comfortable. My heartburn seems to have lessened, which is good, and I’m still thankfully sleeping well. Once in a while I do get a headache, but I’ve noticed that if I stay on top of drinking well, resting, and protein intake that I do better.
Mood | We are still social distancing as a family, and I am loving this time together. We’ve settled into our new normal, and it’s so nice to have Seth home during the day. I’m mostly only annoyed with people complaining on social media about their children, but I don’t know if that’s pregnancy related or just me and my big opinions 😉
Weight gain | I haven’t weighed myself in a while, probably time to do that! I am feeling bigger each day!
Sleep/energy | Hit or miss! I started upping my protein thanks to my Hypnobabies food journal and if I get at least 80 grams of protein daily I notice a huge change in my energy level. I do tend to nap when Cilla does which feels like a waste of free time, but I’m always glad when I give in and let myself sleep.
Food cravings | I’m loving ice cream these days, but also am excited for our Easter menu.
What’s new | Cilla has started saying “baby” which is so, so cute and totally melts my heart. I started taking a newborn sleep class a la Taking Cara Babies, which I hope will be helpful for me. I’ve also been having fun ordering a few items for this sweet boy including this pretty bonnet made by Wild Bird. I’m so curious and slightly nervous to see how having a newborn this time goes. Things will certainly be very different!
{I am so hoping this little baby takes a pacifier! I’d love your tips if you have them!}
{She’s going to be an amazing big sister, I just know it!}
Ok these are so sweet … Cilla will be a great big sister … I think she knows this is the first of many more to come. you’re in it together