My baby girl is two! I am so excited to celebrate her this weekend. As much as the toddler stage can frustrate and exhaust me, I can’t get enough of this girl right now. She is so much fun, and I love watching her take in and experience the world around her.
At two years old Priscilla is talking more and more each day. She is exploding with new vocabulary, can repeat almost any word you ask her to {if she’s in the mood, haha}, and understands everything even if she’s up to some mischief and pretends she doesn’t hear you. Her cutest words and statements are:
“Get down!”
“LJ new diaper”
“Carry you” {when she wants to be carried, so cute!}
Each morning Seth gets up with her and gives her breakfast. When she hears LJ cry she will say “big noise” to Seth, then “mama coffee!” Seth is kind and makes me a latte almost every morning. She has such a great grip on our routines and asks to see our babysitter Maya, smiles when I talk about her grandparents, and asks Seth to tuck her in every night.
She has seemed to adjust to life as a big sister quite well. She has had her moments, but is overall so loving and delighted by Langston. She will replace his pacifier when he needs it “LJ, nookie!” she will exclaim, and loves seeing him each morning when he wakes.
We started praying before dinner as a family and Cilla has really taken to it. She will fold her hands before we eat and say “prayer!” Her favorite books right now are Goodnight Moon, The Big Mooncake, and Baby Owls. She knows most animal names and noises and has stopped saying “oint-oint” for pig sadly!
Because of Covid, we didn’t go to her 18-month well child check, but we are on the schedule for her two year in a few weeks. I am so excited to see how she has grown. It seems like since winter she has gone from a baby to a kid.
I cannot wait to see what Cilla’s second year of life brings! I’m anticipating we’ll potty train, transition to a toddler bed, and maybe start looking into/at preschools. She has gone from a cuddly newborn to a toddler so fast! It’s true what they say about time flying:
Priscilla at Three Months • Six Months • Nine Months • One Year Old • Eighteen Months