{Photo by Jess Devins of Foto Film Studios | Post written January 13th, two days after our positive pregnancy test}
A few weeks ago on a date in Hudson, Seth and I listed off a few goals for our family and marriage for the coming year. Over champagne chicken and gnocchi we dreamed of a honeymoon somewhere warm, a trip as a family up north this winter, purchasing a new car to replace mine, and… trying for a baby at the earliest this summer. I dreamed of a late winter/early spring baby. That would mean by autumn I could be back to work doing sessions and Christmas with three would be magical and well rested. My friend Abby joked with me and I told her year 2021 was going to be a year for us of no large life events. Just a mostly boring, chill year with maybe some home projects…
Record screech, plot twist! Instead of getting pregnant in the summer I got pregnant at the end of this year. Yes, not according to my plan, but absolutely His plan.
This baby is due the end of September. Langston will be a little over a year old, and Cilla a brand new three year old. Yes, I know a 15 month age gap between kids is kinda close. LJ and this baby will be just one grade apart in school. The end of September isn’t the most ideal time for our family to have a baby… I likely won’t do any sessions during beautiful October, but I will have a precious new life to capture instead. I will be tired and delerious during Christmas, so I am glad our family had an extra, over the top Christmas this year.
Truthfully, it took a while for me to wrap my mind around this pregnancy. Seth reassured me that since we got a late start a close gap is okay. He has assured me that we can do whatever we need for me to feel supported. I am so lucky and grateful to have the husband that I do. I loath asking for help and have so much pride wrapped up in “doing it myself.” This time I know I cannot live as a slave to my pride. This time I am asking for help.
We plan on having Cilla in preschool three mornings a week. I will probably have some help with the kids, not sure in what form, but I know I will need it. I am thinking of hiring a post partum doula. We are still planning a home birth with our amazing midwives, and I am thinking I’ll do Hypnobabies again (third times a charm!). All you moms of three will need to be straight with me about what you recommend. I know that a healthy and happy mother is the best kind of mother for her children.
There is so much for us to do before this baby comes… I am planning on moving LJ in with Cilla. We purchased a big girl bed for her and I am so excited for it to arrive. We’ll have this new baby sleep in our room for the first few weeks and then move him/her into the nursery (where LJ sleeps now). LJ turns one this summer and Cilla’s golden birthday is at the end of summer. I am hoping to plan both of them, and if I am being honest a lot of the holiday stuff/Christmas so that we can just sit back on auto pilot all autumn long.
I am so grateful. I know that many struggle with fertility issues. We truly have more than we could ask or pray for.
Baby number three, we can’t wait to meet you this autumn. We love you so much: xo Mama, Dada, Sister Cilla, and “Big” Brother Langston.