These two weeks felt BIG: •We had our 20-week ultrasound, more on that here. In sum, I learned that I have a condition called "low-lying placenta." •Our babe's gender was read the post → about 20 & 21 Weeks
19 weeks
This week I got to cross a fun pregnancy milestone… feeling our baby move!!! It felt exactly like how I imagined it might– like a little fish swimming around in read the post → about 19 weeks
17 & 18 weeks
I feel like I've hit that magical second trimester that everyone raves about even when you're still in miserable disbelief that you'll ever feel not-not-sick again 🙂 Things are feeling read the post → about 17 & 18 weeks
16 weeks
I CANNOT BELIVE WE ARE FOUR WEEKS FROM BEING HALFWAY THRU THIS PREGNANCY. I have so much to do. But not really? I don't know. I feel behind and ahead read the post → about 16 weeks